Wednesday, May 6, 2009

3 Weeks Post Surgery

Bella is doing great.... maybe too great. She is very tired of being confined to the living room. Twice on Sunday she came up the stairs when Todd and I were both upstairs. Turns out that she is jumping up on the arm of the couch, then over a small table to get around the barrier we have up. Not good! Especially since she's not supposed to be jumping AT ALL, let alone over a couch! She's also been jumping up to sit on the couch by herself, and that's a big no no. But it's really hard. She's so fast, and gets up there before we can help her.

Yesterday while Todd was working upstairs, she broke through her barrier again and joined him. So today, he's been hauling her up and down the stairs when he moves around.

We have another appointment on Saturday with the doctor that did the surgery. Hopefully he sees that she's doing well, but I'm nervous to let him know about the jumping around that she's been doing. We also have exercises we're supposed to be doing, and we've only been getting in around 30 reps a day, instead of the 100 a day the doctor recommends. She's not a big fan of them though, so I try to do them in batches. Hopefully we can get closer to 100 by Saturday.

I'm having spinal shots on Friday, so we'll see how she deals with my having to lie around all day!

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