Saturday, May 23, 2009

Six Weeks Post Surgery

Bella visited Dr. Munger again for her week 6 check-up, and she's doing much better than her appointment from two weeks ago. She not holding up her bad leg as much, and walking more than hopping. He said we can even let her go up the stairs herself now, so that will be a relief to Todd. He's been having to haul her around, and especially now since I had radiofrequency therapy done on my back yesterday to burn my nerves. So I'm not able to lift Bella at all. She'll like being able to have more freedom around the house. For now, we still have to keep her on her leash to go up the stairs and to go outside, but he said if she's improved even more when we go back in two weeks, we can let her roam free around the house. That will be a great day!
She's ready to have her toys brought out of hiding.

Earlier this week Bella escaped our grasp and jumped on the bed, which is a BIG jump. We were a little freaked out after that because she could have torn her new ligament, but she seemed fine afterwards. Phew! We don't want to have to go through another surgery.

Dr. Munger said that if she continues to improve and doesn't hold her foot up anymore in month, she won't have to have x-rays again, which was a fear we had. Not only does it cost $500, but she has to be put out, and that's tramatic in itself to deal with a dog coming out of anesthesia. Not fun! So we're going to continue doing her exercises, massages and walks so we don't have to deal with x-rays.

Here's a video of Bella getting a masssage after taking a long walk... must be rough!

1 comment:

  1. Our dog is probably going to have ACL surgery soon. She has been hopping and hurting it repeatedly for about a year. The doctors thought it was a muscle sprain, but it hasn't healed at all... actually, just gotten worse. We take her to the vet for xrays (again) Friday. Hopefully we will have a plan of action after that!
